In the Old Testament hāgâ (Hebrew: הגה), means to sigh or murmur, but also to meditate. When the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek, hāgâ became the Greek melete. The Latin Bible then translated hāgâ/melete into meditatio. The use of the term meditatio as part of a formal, stepwise process of meditation goes back to the 12th century monk Guigo II.
Meditative practices are common to all spiritual paths. To meditate is to stop "DOING" and to simply "BE" with yourself, with God, with peace. Being is essential to balanced living. It is through the refreshment we receive in being that we have energy and mindfulness in our doing.
Robert Mulholland, in his book, Invitation to a Journey says, "We need to live as though being determines our doing, rather than as though doing determines our being."
There are so many forms of meditation. Christian practices include lectio divina (slow, contemplative scripture reading), chant, centering prayer, labyrinth, Taize, breath prayers, praying the rosary (prayer beads), mandala coloring - all are ways of quieting the busy mind and resting in God, practicing presence.
I hope you will take a few minutes to watch this beautiful video, savor the quotations that you see within, and let your mind take a rest in the
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