For the crowd will sneer at one
I wish to praise what is fully alive,
What longs to flame toward death.
When the calm enfolds the love-nights
That created you, where you have created
A feeling from the Unknown steals over you
While the tranquil candle burns.
You remain no longer caught
In the peneumbral gloom
You are stirred and new, you desire
To soar to higher creativity.
No distance makes you ambivalent.
You come on wings, enchanted
In such hunger for light, you
Become the butterfly burnt to nothing.
So long as you have not lived this:
To die is to become new,
You remain a gloomy guest
On the dark earth.
John O'Donohue, in his book, Anam Cara, offers this poem as an example of the "helplessness that sometimes accompanies love." He offers it as an example of the way passion causes us to surrender our "common sense, rationality and normal serious reserve;" to awaken to the creative energies, the desires and longing emmanating from the heart.
This awakening is the threshold of "salvation." To make the realization that you are part of something so vast and lovely, it transcends form and time is like falling in love. It IS falling in is seeing "sameness," recognizing yourself in the other - realizing that you are One with the Other, falling into the universal mystery that is the Love of God! Love is the nature of this cosmic Spirit-relationship. Love is all there is. Love is who you are, where you came from, how you are to live, and that to which you will return.
Love is the truth and the life and the way.
You are "saved" because you realize the eternal nature of this One Love. You are fully awakened and fully attuned to the music of the universe - the creative flux and flow of the divine and its movement through you and around you and before and after you. And you have no choice but to surrender to it, because it is who you are. As a caterpillar dies to become a butterfly and a butterfly is drawn to the light, so do we transcend ourselves for, by, and in Love.
In love we reach outside of our selves, extend ourselves, open, vulnerable and real we willingly fly into the fires of (com)passion and truth. Our need for love draws us to our Lovingness. There may be pain, but it is sacred pain. And the real tragedy would be "to have cautiously avoided these depths and remained marooned on the shiny surfaces of the banal." (John O'Donohue)
May you live passionately in love - awaken, surrender, be vulnerable and open, true and free in the eternal embrace of sacred Love that is who you are in unity with all creation. Peggy
Blessed is the one who has felt pain because of love, for at least she has had the courage to open herself to Love.